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January 10th 2013

Looking forward

We are all hoping for a good 2013 and although the year has not started well economically at home, there is still reason to feel slightly optimistic.

This will hopefully be the year when brands rediscover the art of expression, with a renewed confidence driving the personality and perhaps, just perhaps daring to have a little bit of fun.

Emerging markets will no doubt play an important role in the UK economy. BRIC’s (Brazil, Russia, India, China) will continue to be growth markets and become more important to the European and American economies. Brazil in particular with an economic growth forecast of over three percent for 2013 and planning for a World Cup and an Olympics will be the obvious target for many brands.

How customers think about and interact with brands will continue to evolve. With the omnipresence of smart phones and tablets, brands are going to need to work harder to keep up with the demands from customers/followers for engagement. This is where apps come in and as development continues at a fast pace so will the number of brands launching their very own in 2013.

The medias in which brands communicate will see a convergence of the old with the new. We have long heard about the ‘death of print’ but as yet no one has driven in the final stake. Print is hanging in there and this year through new technology is upping its game. I believe there will be a new kind of interaction between the offline and online worlds.

2013 will see an increase in editorial design as brands engage with ready-made audiences. This is an exciting area as customer magazines are generally less governed by corporate boundaries and tired sponsored material imposed by advertisers. The savvy brands will embrace this opportunity and by using responsive design ensure their material is user-friendly for tablets, smart phones and web as well as still satisfying a requirement for print. The key to success whether on screen or in print is to remember that content is king.

With the demand for live interaction the use of social media will increase still further, and in particular the number of video channels engaging with customers via the ‘twittersphere’. I think 2013 will definitely see a greater usage of video in branding. Customers want to feel that they ‘are there’ even when they’re not and this all points back to the inclusivity that brands need to embrace in order to tell their particular story.

Story or narrative is the single most important element in branding. Lets hope that 2013 is just like any good story in that when you’ve finished one exciting chapter you can’t wait for the next…