Latest News

October 26th 2015

A new look for "Lift"

We have just completed a re-design for “Lift” the journal for Terex Cranes.

Launched last year as a responsive designed e-zine, “Lift” has proven to be the perfect solution for Terex Cranes to communicate their brand message and interact with customers and followers. However, we are not ones to rest on our laurels and thought that it was time for a makeover.

Graphically our design update features the introduction of a new masthead, fonts, background images and screen overlay. A more flexible frame allowing for multiple video content, larger images and better navigation further enhances user experience.

New features focusing on Terex Crane’s employees, dealers and customers bring a human story angle to the already popular job-site features, in-depth product reviews and news from around the globe. “Lift” is produced quarterly as twelve regional editions, which are translated into eight languages. Additionally, Greensquare handles the database management and mailing of “Lift” to nearly 20,000 Terex Crane’s subscribers.

Greensquare’s Creative & Managing Director Phil Westwood commented: ‘It would be easy for us to hide behind the old adage of “If it aint broken don’t fix it”, but it’s our job to continually innovate and keep our clients’ at the top of the “brand tree”. It also helps that we work with a like-minded marketing team at Terex Cranes who are always receptive to new ways of looking at things. You could say it makes for a very “uplifting” experience – sorry I couldn’t resist that one!’