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September 1st 2015

Everybody's Talkin

It’s fair to say that the Finns are quite a reserved bunch, they don’t say too much, unless they have to. The new T Series tractor from Finnish manufacturer Valtra speaks for itself and has certainly got the agricultural world talking.

As part of our brand communications remit for Valtra in the UK and Ireland, we have recently launched a testimonial campaign to follow the successful launch of the new T Series late last year.

Our “Now You’re Talking” campaign saw us on location with an arable farmer in Fife, a farm contractor in Cheshire and a dairy farmer in Shropshire. All of these farmers have been driving the new “T” over the past few months and Valtra wanted to hear what they had to say.

As expected they all love it and our testimonial films make interesting viewing for those about to purchase a tractor. In fact we’d even go as far as to say that they’re still worth watching even if you’re not planning to buy a tractor anytime soon.

The campaign is based around a series of adverts in the national farming press with direct mail to carefully targeted recipients, all materials specifically driving traffic to the films. All campaign photography was also captured by Greensquare. Additionally, we created the campaign web pages for the Valtra team in Finland.

There’s no better form of advertising than happy customers. So, if you’re customers have got great things to say about your brand, Greensquare know a thing or two about getting their message across. We don’t mind how far we have to travel, after all successful branding is all about the journey.