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July 2nd 2013

History "is" the making

One of the most powerful tools a brand can use to connect with consumers is positive heritage. A strong heritage provides a brand with tangible roots, natural credibility and a reassuring proof of quality.

In a world where brands are numerable, constantly competing for position and in some cases indistinguishable, brand heritage is undoubtedly a most effective differentiator.

We all love a story. A good story reassures us, challenges us, brings us out of ourselves and allows us to share our experiences with all kinds of people from all walks of life.

Brands that miss this point will ultimately be the losers. By demonstrating a positive heritage through powerful narrative a brand can engender something that can’t be bought; a philosophy that speaks to consumers, which in turn drives desire and loyalty to that brand.

Sourcing new markets presents additional challenges for brands whether at home or in other countries. When your target audience has little or no prior knowledge of your brand, it is vital to communicate your positive heritage as clearly as your unique brand attributes. This is known as brand integrity. Successfully building integrity gives a brand the ability to deliver a positive experience in any format, anywhere in the world.

We build integrity because it creates a powerful connection and engages emotion. The emotional connection transforms a transaction into a relationship which encourages loyalty. Research has shown that loyalty is rooted in emotion and consumers have a desire to feel part of a successful brand’s story.

Story or narrative is the single most important element in branding. It is the story that will ultimately set you apart from your competition; this is your unique selling point – it’s your positive heritage. In successful branding the narrative really is the powerful difference.