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June 16th 2016

Inside out

During a visit to the NASA space center in 1962, President Kennedy noticed a cleaner carrying a broom. He interrupted his tour, walked over to the man and said, ‘Hi, I’m Jack Kennedy. What are you doing?’

‘Well, Mr President’ the cleaner responded, ‘I’m helping put a man on the moon.’

This exemplifies exactly why you need to get it right on the inside in order to get it right the outside. Make sure that your staff are on board. The cleaner understood the importance of his contribution. He was a valuable part of something bigger than himself, he wasn’t merely a cleaner; he was a member of the 1962 NASA Space story! Your staff are integral to your relationships with your customers. The more they know and feel part of your story the more loyalty they can engender from your customers.

Storytelling is quite possibly the most powerful form of communication we all have at our disposal. It’s widely acknowledged that most brands vying for any particular market today produce products or services of a very similar nature; the one main differentiator will be their stories as no two are the same.

Don’t think that your story isn’t worth telling, because it is and if told frequently, consistently and in an engaging manner, you’ll reach the parts that other brands cannot.

If you are running your own business how did you get here? What are your brand values? Tell it as a story, keep it original, faithful and make it compelling enough for people to want to buy into your brand and store it in a special place – their minds.

To explain this, let me give you an example: imagine your brand is a tropical island – beautiful white sandy beaches, deep blue sea, unbroken sunshine every day and cool breezes wafting the aroma of exotic fruits – just like the picture on the left. Now imagine a person having visited this island recounting their magical experiences and how they can’t wait to go back. This person will extol the virtues of your island to everyone and anyone who will listen.

Your visitor will be able to retrieve minute details from the corner of their mind where their island experience is stored. When they access this information they experience a feeling of reassurance, this is a good place, your island conjures up warm – positive emotions that your visitor will be happy to share time and again.

Now stop thinking about that island and think about this: it’s difficult enough for brands to enter this territory, harder still to remain there, for your brand to find a corner of a person’s mind you need to engage their emotions and this is where your story comes in.

Don’t forget – right on the inside equals right on the outside, you can’t have one without the other.

So, make sure you spread the word to your staff, volunteers, supporters and of course your customers and your potential customers. Bring your brand story to life; and remember to keep doing this, for as long as you have a brand you have a story to tell.